English Exercises > past continuous exercises

Natural Disasters & Extreme Weather

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 5165

Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 3440

Past simple - Past continuous
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 3041

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 2483

Bank Robbery Game - A role play
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2286

Past Continuous and Past Simple
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 2546


��Natural Disasters & Extreme Weather
A.Vocabulary - What happened?�Click on the right�options.
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B.Vocabulary - Look at the pictures and type the missing words.
1. Yesterday, a terrible�hit the rural area.
2. An awful �struck New York city.
3. Families rushed away after the �erupted.
4.�Hundreds of houses were destroyed�when the �shook the city.
5. The city was devastated as the �hit!
C.Conversation - Click on the correct words.
���Then, type numbers 1-4 for the right sequence.
�B: When thestruck, we waited for the rescue.
���������� How about you? What were you doing when it happened?
�A: At school? Well, how did you go home after the �the school
�������� area?
�B: I was at school. I was doing a project when that terrible �!
�A: What a terrible day! Where were you when the storm �?
D.Grammar - Observe this:
Now, type 1 for the action that happened first, and 2 for the second one.
1. He was reading �a book when the hurricane struck .
2.�When the flood came , my parents were hiking .
3. When the mudslide buried �the village, most people were sleeping �in their
��� homes.
4. Peter and Gary were riding �their bikes when the blizzard hit .
Fill in the blanks with either the SIMPLE PAST or the
PAST CONTINUOUS form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. A: What �you �(DO) when the hurricane �(HIT) the city?
��� B: I �(EAT) dinner when the strong winds �(STRIKE)!
2. A: When the earthquake �(SHAKE) the city,
������� �what�Peter �(DO)?�
��� B: He �(READ) a book and his dog �(SLEEP).
3. A: �you �(HIKE) in the woods
������ �when the storm �(STRIKE)?
��� B: Yes, I �and it �(RAIN) a lot!
4. A: I (RIDE) my bike
������� when the flood �(HIT).
��� �B: Oh, my! �you get hurt?
Now check this out:
Now, click on the right words.
1. A:�Did �get hurt during the flood?
�� B: No, luckily �got seriously hurt.
2. A:�I heard �died during the earthquake.
��� B:�Really? And did �� survive the mudslide?�
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