(All possible exercises)
Choose the correct verb forms.
1. Satya_______the family car.
2. Every morning Durga_______at 6 o'clock.
�����get up
�����get ups
�����gets up
3. Mr. Prakash_________e-mails in the evenings.
��� �writes
4. The girls_______the shopping.
��� �do
5.�Durga and Satya______films every weekend.
��� �watch
6. �His friend_______to school.
��� �gos
��� �go
��� �goes
7. Do you ________milk in your tea?
��� �like
��� �liks
8. _______I correct?
��� �Are
��� �Be
��� �Is
9. It________a beautiful day today.
��� �am
��� �are
��� �be
��� �is

10. John ofter________handball.

��� �plays
Which sentence / questions are correct

1. Which sentence is in the simple present?
�He can a bike ride.
�He can ride a bike.
�He can rides a bike.
�He cans ride a bike.
2. Which sentence is in the simple present?
�He has read a book.
�He is reading a book.
�He read a book.
�He reads a book.
3. Which negative sentence is in the simple present?
�He do not reads a book.
�He does not read a book.
�He is not reading a book.
�He not read a book.
4. Which negative sentence is in the simple present?
�We do'nt work in a bank.
�We does not work in a bank.
�We don't work in a bank.
�We not work in a bank.
Which question is in the simple present?
�Do she work in an office?
�Do she works in an office?
�Does she work in an office?
�Work she in an office?
Which question is in the simple present?
�From where do you come?
�Where do you come from?
�Where does you come from?
�Where dos you come from?
7. In which sentence is the simple present used correctly?
�Durga clean the bathroom.
�Durga cleans the bathroom.
�Durga clean's the bathroom.
�Durga cleanes the bathroom.
In which sentence is the simple present used correctly?
�Andrew wash the dishes.
�Andrew washes the dishes.
�Andrew washs the dishes.
�Andrew wash's the dishes.
Form questions in the simple present
1. Satya / to read / comics�����������������������������������
2. what / they / to eat / for breakfast�������������������
3. when / his mum / to come / home�������������������
4. to be / Durga / from Austria�����������������������������
5. Satya and Durga / to like / homework������������ �
6. you / to walk / to school����������������������������������
7. where / she / to live�����������������������������������������
8. why / you / to ride / your bike�������������������������
9. how / Ram / to go / to the park�����������������������
10. can /�Mani /�to speak / English����������������������
Which verb forms are used in the simple present?
1. Which verb forms are used in the simple present?
�Infinitiv + -ed
�Infinitiv + -ing
�Infinitiv + s
�have + Infinitiv + -ed
2. which verb forms are correct?
�she are
�she has
�she have
�she is
�she plays
�she plaies
3. which verb forms are correct?
�he flies
�he flys
�he lives
�he livees
�he workes
�he works
4. Which sentences/questions are in the simple present?
� He's 15.
�Do you speak Spanish?
�I'm in room 305
�She didn't help her mother.
�She doen't like milk.
�We are reading a book.
�She drives a car.
5. What are typical signal words for the simple present?
�at the moment
�every day
6. Which verbs/auxiliaries can be negated by adding "not"?


--By Satya






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