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TOEFL ITP Written Expression 09

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TOEFL ITP Written Expression 09
Find the underlined mistakes 
1. Born in Texas in 1890, Katherine Porter produced three collection of short stories before publishing her well-known novel Ship of Fools in 1962.
2. Insulation from cold, protect against dust and sand, and camouflage are among the functions of hair for animals.
3. The notion that students are not sufficiently involved in their education is one reason for the recently surge of support for undergraduate research.
4. As secretary of transportation from 1975 to 1977, William Coleman worked to help the bankrupt railroads in the northeastern United States solved
their financial problems.
5. Many flowering plants benefit of pollination by adult butterflies and moths.
6. A number of the American Indian languages spoken at the time of the European arrival in the New World in the late fifteen century have become extinct.                                                                                  
7. George Gershwin was an American composer whose concert works joined the sounds of jazz with them of traditional orchestration.
8. One of the problems of United States agriculture that has persisted during the 1920’s until the present day is the tendency of farm income to lag
behind the costs of production.
9. Volcanism occurs on Earth in several geological setting, most of which are associated with the boundaries of the enormous, rigid plates that
make up the lithosphere.
10. Early European settlers in North America used medicines they made from plants native to treat colds, pneumonia, and ague, an illness similar to malaria.                                                                                               
11. Some insects bear a remarkable resemblance to dead twigs, being long, slenderness, wingless, and brownish in color.
12. A food additive is any chemical that food manufacturers intentional add to their products.