English Exercises > food exercises

Fruits, vegetables and flavors

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Fruits, vegetables and flavors
ruits, vegetables  and lavors
Listen and select the correct fruit's  name.
 a.                   b.        c.
 d.                     e.           f.
 . Write the vegetablable´s name in  a correct way.
  How does this food taste?
.Match the vegetables and fruits to the description.
  1. It is used fresh to prepare salad.
  2. It is used to add sour to the food.
  3. When someone wants to add spicy to an specific food used it. 
  4. Contains potassium and vitamins.
  5. A creamy and buttery fruit often enjoyed in mexican cuisine.
  6. It is an exceptional vitamin C source.
 Find some vegetables and fruits in the word search

  Mango  Lettuce Coconut Eggplant
  Lemmon  Corn  Peach Beet
  Fig Avocado PlumPeas
 Couliflower cabbage Celery  Kiwi

 By: Sonia Angélica López Daza