English Exercises > Other printables exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 13551

Present simple
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 10362

Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 8876

Irregular Verbs - Past Simple ( 4 pages)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 4043

Present perfect vs Simple past in context
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 4123

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 4109



A) OF: smell, dream (or about), think (or about), complain (or about), tire (d), accuse.

  • He�s been accused� murder.
  • She�s been complaining a bad back recently.
  • He complains anything � his job, his wife�
  • What do think� my new dress?
  • I�m thinking� buying a new car.
  • I�m tired you telling me what to do all the time.
  • I�love perfumes�and�I��often smell�flowers.
  • I had very odd dream you last night.
  • I often dream flying.

B) FROM: prevent, suffer, borrow, differ, receive.

  • They received a visit the police.
  • His views differ considerably� those of his parents.
  • English has borrowed many words� French.
  • Like a lot of his films, it suffers� being a bit too long.
  • Nothing will prevent him� succeeding.

C) IN: believe, persist, interest (ed), invest.

  • The institute will invest 5 million� the project.
  • Yes, I�d be very interested knowing more about the services your film offers.
  • Do you believe reincarnation?
  • He persisted� asking questions.

D) ON: count, depend, concentrate, decide, write (or about).

  • You can count� Michael in a crisis.
  • If you want to pass your exams, you�ll have to concentrate� your listening skills.
  • We decided a beige carpet for the dining room.
  • I�m depending� you to keep your promise.
  • She writes� medical matters for a national newspaper.

E) TO: belong, listen, compare (or with), accustom (ed), prefer, laugh (or at).

  • She preferred wait for him.
  • I laughed Anna.
  • We laughed the girls.
  • You shouldn�t take what doesn�t belong you.
  • Did you listen the news this morning?
  • This road is quite busy compared ours.
  • I�m not accustomed be treated like this.

F) AT: arrive (or in), knock, book, work (or on).

  • It was dark by the time we arrived the station.
  • He knocked the door and called out, �Is anyone at home?�
  • They booked the children playing to see if they recognized anyone.
  • Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work it.

G) FOR: care, ask (or of), book, pay, wait (or on).

  • I couldn�t ask� a better one.
  • Who�ll care� the children when Sandra�s in hospital?
  • I�ll look a present for Jenny while I�m in town.
  • We all pay� our mistakes in some way at some time.
  • Wait here� me � I�ll be back in a minute.

H) WITH: agree, satisfy (ied), compete, begin, confuse.

  • The concert began a piece by an unknown.
  • I agree letting children learn at their own pace.
  • The two companies are in competition each other.
  • I�m sorry I can�t compete this loud sound.
  • You�re confusing me my sister.
  • She�s never satisfied� what she�s got.