English Exercises > punctuation exercises

Punctuations Marks in English - comma

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
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PUNCTUATION 002 The Apostrophe & Possession
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Level: elementary
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A. Place the correct commas in the sentence. 
The colors that I love are lime green sunshine yellow and sunset orange. 

Napoleon is a little short man. 

I was born on February 22 1983 at 11:07 p.m. 

Yes, teacher I will finish my work. 

On December 25 most families around the world will be celebrating Christmas. 

In about a month Ember will be 8 years old. 

Ember is a sweet-tooth so I bought her lollipop. 

In our house we have three dogs two cats and a chicken. 

Flour sugar butter milk eggs and salt are what you need to buy to make pancake. 

My friends are Claemar Joy Cutie and Dawn. 

Daniel has a cat who is small fluffy and white. 

Mikey has a lovely black horse. 

I am still awak, but I am very tired. 

School began last June 06 2016 here in Philippines. 

I was born on February 22 1983 at 11:07 p.m. 

Park Lee was born in Bucheon Seoul in 1980. 

Will you Claig show me how to operate the bionic bird? 

Do you like computer games Claig? 

I was wondering  Claig if you would like to become a good judge someday? 

Ben Carson MD 

Ben Carson Ph.D 

Dr. Ben Carson retired Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery of John Hopskins Hospital. 

Dear John 


Dear Josh Groban 

Dear Clifton 

Dear Il Divo 

Dear The Tenors 



Your loving wife 

Your friend 

Yours truly 

With love 

B. Put a check on the box if a comma is needed, X if not. 

Teacher Honey my online English teacher told me to answer  the 'punctuation mark - comma' test.

Claig a future  Honorable Judge is studying his lessons very well.

Dave Claig’s brother wants to be computer programmer  somday.

The car which has a flat tire is under repair at the repair shop.

That dog  is mine not yours.

The baby  is adorable but messy.

No I don’t like snakes rats and creepy crawly things.

Finally  I am finished with my washing.

Then it will be time to relax and unwind.

Now it is time to watch my favorite movie.

Well I never thought I would like that movie very much.

Yes I think it is sleep now.

To prepare for the competition Dave  played computer games every day.

The cat chased the mouse but the mouse hid under his tiny house.

Ember wants to go to the park and Yelena wants to go to the zoo.

I love flowers so much so my husband bought me a bouquet.

My mom said  Be a good girl always.”

The doctor said “Please drink your medicine as instructed.”

“Do your homework tonight and hand it the tomorrow ” instructed the teacher.

“Please walk the dog every day ” requested dad her daughter.


C. Put a check on the box if a comma is needed. If it is X, choose the correct punctuation mark symbol

You like horses don’t you 

His name is Dave isn’t it 

Next month is your birthday correct 

That is an airplane right