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English test for FCE but not only

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Vocabulary Revision
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
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Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
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English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
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Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
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Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
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Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 134


Ex.1 You will hear part of a radio talk, about how to organise a wedding. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.��
Wedding advice�
One year ahead, choose the (1)��for the wedding, and select the best man and bridesmaids.�
Decide the locations for the wedding (2)��and reception, and make the bookings.
Make a (3)��and send out the invitations.
Six months ahead, choose the bride's and bridesmaid's dresses and select the (4)��according to the time of year.
Choose the (5)��for the reception, according to your budget.
Organise accommodation for guests and finalise arrangements for the (6)�.
Three months ahead, you may need to check that your (7)��is valid.
At this stage, you should also organise the (8)�.
Think about the (9)��(e.g. by the bridegroom and possibly by the bride).
Finally, remember that the day should be a (10)��one!�
1. How much of the advice given above would you apply to your wedding or weddings in your country?
2. Is it better to spend a lot on a big wedding ceremony or save the money for the future?
3. Why do some people want to have a big expensive ceremony?
4. Tell a partner about the last wedding you went to. Who was there? What was it like?�
5. What other celebrations are important for families? Describe the last one your family had.�
Ex. 2 Choose the correct option.�
1.�One of the people invited to the party������
A had met Charlie in Australia.
B was related to Charlie.�
C hadn't seen Charlie for twelve years.
2. People were asked����������
A to keep the party a secred form Charlie.
B to send a written reply to the invitation.
C to give their invitations to others if they couldn't come.
3. The speaker doesn't think Charlie knew about the party because������
A he reacted with real surprise.
B he wasn't wearing a fancy dress costume.
C he was angry about the way people were dressed.
4. The speaker thinks his outfit was a success because������
A very few people spoke to him.
B very few people knew who he was.
C there were three other people dressed the same way.
5. Charlie went to the disco where the party was held because�������
A he knew they played a ot of seventies music.�
B he expected to meet up with some friends there.
C his girlfriend had bought him a new outfit.�
6. One idea the speaker particularly liked was������
A encouraging the guests to bring their cameras.
B getting the guests to have their photos taken.
C providing cameras for the guests to take photos.
�7. The speaker says that the girl called Lidia he met at the party������
A had just broken up with her boyfriend.
B is one reason he started to feel better.
C hasn't been out with him yet.�
Ex. 1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using no more than five words, including the word given.
1. You must remember your camera.���� �BRING
���Don't��your camera.
2. The officials allowed us to take photographs in the museum.���� �LET
� �The officials��photographs in the museum.�
3. I'd like to buy a mountain bike.���� �INTERESTED
� �I'm��a mountain bike.�
4. Susie and I are very good friends.���� �ON
� �Susie and I��with one another.�
5. Jack feels bad about not writing to his friend earlier.���� �WISHES
� �Jack��his friend earlier.��
6. I think you should go home now.���� �TIME
� �I think it's��home.
7. I wish I could speak Spanish.���� �BEING
���I regret��Spanish.�
8. I wish I was still in contact with my old school friends.���� �TOUCH
�����I wish I had��with my old school friends.�
9. You ought to buy some new shoes.���� �HIGH
���It is��some new shoes.
Ex. 2. Make proper adjectives from the words in the table.�
����������� �FURY����������� ����� �LOVE�������������CULTURE�������������� �COWARD
����������� �WASH�������������� �CREATE�������������FUN�������� �������WEALTH
1. Are those trousers��or do you have them dry cleaned?
2. He comes from quite a��family so he doesn't have to worry about money.
3. I'm sorry, but I don't find that kind of joke��at all.
4. I thought it was really��of him to blame the others for what had happened. He was afraid of being punished!
5. Puppies are very��but they are also a lot of work to look after.
6. People say museums are good way of preserving our��heritage.�
7. My boss was absolutely��when I got to work late and missed an important meeting.�
8. Sonia is so�. She paints, designs her own clothes and makes wonderful jewellery.�
Ex. 3� Choose the correct alternatives in the following sentences.
1. Everyone agrees that smoking is�.
2. She's got a��new apartment overlooking the park.
3. Jorge is so�. He never lets you down.
4. I'm absolutely��at telling jokes.�
5. Alex was a bit��when I told him I had broken up with Tony.
6. Chicago was��in 1920s for its gangsters and organised crime.
7. If you led a more��life, you would probably feel a lot better.��