English Exercises > tests exercises


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Vocabulary Revision
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 11

Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2475

English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 2323

Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 7

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 11

Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 134


Ex.1. Pos�uchaj dwukrotnie nagrania, w kt�rym ch�opiec opisuje co dzieje si� na obrazku. Wpisz w luki brakuj�ce s�owa. W ka�d� luk� mo�esz wpisa� tylko jeden wyraz.� Na pocz�tku podany b�dzie przyk�ad. NAGRANIE 5F
1.0. The boy who's wearing��is called Peter.�
1.1. The girl is eating an�. It's her birthday. She's��now.�
1.2. John has got��eyes and four feet. It's a�.
1.3. The man with the beard is one of the boy's grandfather. He's watching the�. He's name is�. He's very�.
1.4. Two��are skating. They aren't�. They are friends.�
1.5. Lucy is riding her�. Lucy is wearing a pretty��skirt.
Ex.2.Pos�uchaj dwukrotnie nagrania, w kt�rym Tony i Sally wyra�aj� opini� na temat pogody. Uzupe�nij brakuj�ce luki tylko jednym wyrazem. NAGRANIE 7C
2.1. Tony doesn't like when it's��because he can't ride his��to�. He loves��weather.
2.2.� Sally is��today because it's��today. She needs the� to��her kite.�
Ex.3. Wypierz odpowiedni� reakcj�.�
3.1. Kole�anka pokazuje Ci sw�j nowy telefon. Co jej powiesz?
�A. How are you?�
�B. You're funny.
�C. Wow! It's amazing!
3.2. Wbiegasz do klasy sp�niony/-a. Co m�wisz?
�A. I'm sorry for being late.
�B. What time it is?
�C. Hello. How are you?
3.3. Kole�anka dzwoni do Ciebie z informacj�, �e jest chora. Co jej powiesz?
�A. I also don't like going to school.
��B. Get well soon.
�C. Bless you.�
3.4. Chcesz po�yczy� od kolegi szalik. Jak go o to spytasz?
�A. How much is the scarf?
�B. Can I lend you a scarf?
�C. Could you lend me a scarf?
3.5. Kolega zaprasza Ci� na wsp�lne wyj�cie do kina. Niestety musisz odm�wi�. Co powiesz?
�A. Sorry. I'm afraid I can't.
�B. Sure.
�C. Could you repeat?�
Ex.4. Wybierz odpowiedni� opcj�.
4.1. I��go to school yesterday because I was sick.�
4.2. I like��football in my free time.
4.3. This is��car in the world.
4.4.��did you pass this test?
4.5. I��Tina at the cinema yesterday.
4.6. You are as��as Adam. You have got the same grades at school.