English Exercises > actions exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Senses & Action Verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Downloads: 452

Action words
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 343

Action verbs
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 255

Action Words!!!
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 247

Verbs Pictionary
Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Downloads: 250

Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Downloads: 212



Solve the crossword.

1 9
6 8

�������� What are your daily routines?

��� 1.-�I� ___________ English on Mondays.
��� 2.- I ____________ the bus to school every day.
��� 3.- I ____________ TV in the afternoons.
��� 4.- I ____________ soccer on weekends.
��� 5.- I ____________ lunch at school on weekdays.
��� 6.- I ____________ to school early in the morning.
��� 7.- I ____________ to my home at four o'clock.
��� 8.- I ____________ cereal and toasts for dinner.
��� 9.- I ____________ my mother on Saturdays.
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Complete with the dialogue with the�correct verb.-
Joe:�I �at six o'clock, What about you?
Sandy: I get up at six fifteen. Do you �the bus to school everyday.
Joe: Yes, but I �very early to�my first class.
Sandy: I �home very late, because of the traffic!
Joe: On weekdays,�when I arrive home,first I �lunch, then�I like to �TV, after that,�I �my homework, and finally I �soccer with my friends.
Sandy: Well! on Saturdays I �my mother clean the house, and that's a whole lot more than what�you do on weekdays!.
Choose the correct option.-
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� What do you do first? Put a check mark at the actions you do at the beginning of�each day.-
�eat dinner�� �get up��� �play soccer�� �take a shower�� eat breakfast��� study English �brush my teeth� � get dressed� �go to school���go to sleep� �finish school�� �return home�� �dance rap� � eat lunch�
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