English Exercises > readings exercises

The Telescope (Author-Bouabdellah)

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100 READING GAMES - POSTER + Timesavers + Hippo Report + Suggestions + BW + tons of LINKS - ((11_PAGES)) - A1-C2 level
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"Me and My family" - Reading comprehension for Upper elementary and Lower Intermediate students
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��Technicum Si-Tarek Of Relizane

�First Year Students

�Scientific Streams 2005/2006

�Practice:�*� The Telescope� *�

SECTION ONE: Comprehension.
Read the following text carefully then do the activities below.
The Telescope
A telescope is a device used to view images of distant objects. The most familiar kind of telescope is an optical telescope, which uses a series of lenses or a curved mirror to focus visible light. An optical telescope which uses lenses is known as a refracting telescope or a refractor; one which uses a mirror is known as a reflecting telescope or a reflector. Besides optical telescopes, astronomers also use telescopes that focus radio waves, X-rays, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Telescopes vary in size and sophistication from homemade spyglasses built from cardboard tubes to arrays of house-sized radio telescopes stretching over many miles.
The earliest known telescope was a refractor built by the Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey in 1608 after he accidentally viewed objects through two different eyeglass lenses held a distance apart. He called his invention a kijker, "looker" in Dutch, and intended it for military use. In 1609, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei built his own telescopes and was the first person to make astronomical observations using them. These early telescopes consisted of two glass lenses set within a hollow lead tube and were rather small; Galileo's largest instrument was about 47 inches (120 cm) long and 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. Astronomers such as Johannes Kepler in Germany and Christian Huygens in Holland built larger, more powerful telescopes throughout the 1600s. Soon these telescopes got too large to be easily controlled by hand and required permanent mounts. Some were more than 197 feet (60 m) long.
Exercise 01: Are the following statements TRUE, FALSE or NOT MENTIONED in the text.
1-A telescope is used to photograph distant objects.�����������������������������= T��F��NM
2-Telescopes have different sizes.��������������������������������������������������������� =T��F��NM
3-Galileo's telescope was larger than those of Kepler and Huyens.������ =T��F��NM
Exercise 02: Find in the text words or expressions that are close in meaning to the following.
1-type��������� �1=������������������
2-visual������� �1=������
3-by chance �2=
Exercise 03: Answer the following questions according to the text.
1-What is a refracting telescope?
2-How many types of telescopes are mentioned in the text? List them.
��� types of telescopes are mentioned in the text.
�� These are the
SECTION TWO: Mastery of Language.
Exercise 01: How many syllables are there in the following words?
1-telescope���� 4- curved����� 7-waves��������������������� 10-tubes������������
2-device���������� 5-visible��������8-electromagnetic���� 11-Astronomers
3-lenses����������� 6-optical�������9-built����������������������� 12-controlled����
Exercise 02: Re-write the following sentences in a different way.
1- The tennis ball has the shape of a sphere.
2- The Nile River is 6,670 Km in length.
3- The human body consists of many organs.
Exercise 04: Classify the following words in the table below according to the pronunciation of their final �s� or "es".
lensessorts � preserves � spyglasses � likes � follows

SECTION TWO: Written Expression.
Write a paragraph to give a complete description of the �Syringe�.
���������������������������������.����� You can do this at home �..�������