English Exercises > present continuous exercises

Present Continuous (15.11.09)

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Present Continuous

A. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences
1. Jennifer �cards now.
2. Karl �an essay at the moment.
3. Paula and Sue �a trip to Europe.
4. We �a message to our friends.
5. She �in the river.
6. Michael �an apple.
7. They �to the theatre.
8. You �a nice song.
9. Ann �a glass of water.
10. Rita and John �French.
11. Helen �a new pair of shoes.
12. Mrs Green �the living-room.
13. I �a nice model.
14. My parents �the newspaper.
15. My neighbour �something tasty.
16. My brother �after the cat.
17. You �your homework.
18. �she �the exercise?
19. �they �a film on TV?
20 �you �to me?