English Exercises > idioms exercises

Practice idioms in English!

Downloadable worksheets:
I love ...IDIOMS
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Age: 12-17
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Food Idioms
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Animal idioms
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Idioms with parts of the body
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Age: 14-17
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Idioms 101
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
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Food Idioms
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 573


 Idioms in English!

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct Verb: (HAIR)



1. I’m sorry I have crashed your car. But  your hair on! It’s not the end of the world.

2. The exam is over now and it all end very well. So you can   your hair down and relax.

3. When the president of our firm was kidnapped , he didn’t  a hair. He was brave.

4. I was listening to bus drivers speaking on the news and some of the stories they were talking about  my hair  on end!


  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct noun: (LOSE)


5. When my mother realized that she was beginning to lose her  , she sold her company and began spending more time with the family.

6. I would like to drive but every time I have to pass the driving test I lose my   and can’t do anything but fail.

7. He used to be an excellent barrister , but because he lost a prominent murder case he felt that he was losing his  .


  1. Complete the phrases WITH THE CORRECT NOUN: (MAKE)


8. He didn’t mean to hurt you. You are making a   out of a molehill.

9. My sister has to write a short story for next week. I thought it was a simple task but she seems to be making heavy   of it.

10. Two hotel guests were making a  in the hotel lobby. It was most embarrassing for the manager. 


  1. Choose the correct colour:

11. I’ve paid off all my debts and it’s a good feeling to be in   the  again.

12. After the accident, Karen was  and  but luckily she was alive.

13. Peter can get anything to grow- he’s really got  fingers.

14. I don’t want to go to the cinema tonight, so I’ll tell Paul I have to study for a test. A  lie is better than hurting his feelings.

15. When Katherine knows you are going to go to Miami and not her, she’ll be  with envy.

16. Bill spends lots of money on silly things. He’s been in the  as long as I’ve known him.


  1. Complete the idioms listen and write what you hear:(HAND)

17. You’ll have to change the tyre. I’ll    you a hand if you like.

18. He argued with the boss and quitted his job. But the next morning, he went   in hand and asked for his job back.

19. The boys love their new teacher. She has them   out of her hand already and they do whatever she tells them.

20. Susan won’t suddenly start saving money when she’s been living hand to   all her life.

21. Martin has been the manager’s   hand man for years.

22. That’s my box of chocolates! Hands   !

23. I’d love to help you, but I have my hands   with the organization of the school trip at the moment.

  1. Match the idioms with comparisons: Write the correct number:

1. As bald as                                    a pancake                  

2. As black as                                   a post

3. As busy as                                    a cucumber       

4. As cold as                                     a bee

5. As cool as                                     a coot            

6. As deaf as                                    coal

7. As flat as                                      ice                            

                       Good work!
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