English Exercises > movies exercises

Wizards of Wiverly place Epison 9 Season 3

Downloadable worksheets:
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
Level: advanced
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 21

Edward Scissorhands (3)
Level: intermediate
Age: 7-100
Downloads: 6

Video Session: Friends - The One where they all turn thirty
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 1435

The world of cinema
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1355

Movies/ TV programmes matching (BW+key)
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 1133

Edward Scissorhands intro (1)
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 6


 Listening Comprehension. Watch the part and tick the true sentences.
Alex lost her brush.
Mason invited Alex for tea.
Justin's girlfriend was kidnapped by a vampire.
Mason and Alex talk about American and British traditions.
Mason thinks that dropping balloons on people is rude.
Alex thinks that she and Mason don't have much in common.
Alex hates pictures with dogs.
Mason is in love with America and cats.
Mason wants to paint Alex as a dog.
Alex charmed Mason with a Muse shell.
Mr Ruso quouted " Don't go changing to try to please me".
Being charmed by the muse shell isn't dangerous to the person charmed.
Jason's brother is responsible for the stealing of Jason's girlfriend.