English Exercises > pronouns exercises

personal pronouns - object case

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 7328

Object Pronouns
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 3872

Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 2567

Reflexive Pronouns
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 2561

Level: elementary
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 2325

Worksheet: Possessive Adjectives/ explanation and exercise
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2128


Use a personal pronoun instead of the underlined word:

1.Look at Mary.������������������������������������� ����� Look at

2.Listen to John.������������������������������������ ����� Listen to
3.I can�t find my bag.����������������������������� ����� I can�t find
4.Nick repaires my car.��������������������������������� Nick repairs
5.Please, close the door.������������������������� ����� Please, close
6.I can�t find my friends.��������������������� � ����� I can't find
7.Switch the TV on, please.������������������� ����� Switch�� on
8.I like the house very much.����������������� �����I like�� very much
9.I like the Millers������ .�������������������������� �����I like
10. Mary speaks with Sandra.������������������ ����� Mary speaks with
11. Do you see Simon and his brother?��� ����� Do you see� ?
12. Can you help me and my sister?�������� ����� Can you help�� ?
13. Please, open the box.����������������������� ����� Please open
14. I eat bananas every day.�������������������� �����I eat���� every day
15. He looks at the girls and smiles.�������� ����� He looks at�� and smiles
16. I can do this exercise.����������������������� �����I can do�
17. Peter likes dogs.������������������������������� ����� Peter likes�

Fill in the correct personal pronoun:

1.This book is for Peter. Give it to .

2.My penfriend Barbara lives in London. This is a letter from .

3.I have got a problem with my homework. Can you help ?

4.Here are two boxes for Jack: Please give� to�.

5.Mr Ringer, our maths teacher, is very friendly. He always helps with our exercises.

6.Jim�s father likes music, so Jim givesa cassette.

And once again... we need the personal pronoun

He can't buy that house. It is too expensive for !

I'm so hungry. Please, givean apple!

Where is the football? We must look for !

What have you got for mum? -I have got a book for !

Laura is my best friend. I like very much.

Where is little Joe? I can't see!

Where is Mary? I must talk to !

This is a nice film. I like very much.

Where is Mr Brown? I want to speak to !

I know you are� behind the flowers, but I can't see.

Do you know where my trainers are? I can't find !

I can't come to your party, but here is a present for !

Pick some apples and putinto the basket.