English Exercises > listenings exercises

Rosie´s Walk written by Pat Hutchins

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                       Rosie's  Walk   written by Pat Hutchins



Nouns are words that name something. Listen to the story and find the correct nouns.
Rosie the hen went for a .
Across the .
Around the .
Over the .

Past the .

Through the .
Under the .
And got back in time for .
Prepositions are words that show movement from one place to another. Write the correct prepositions.

Rosie the hen went for a walk.

 the yard.
 the pond.
 the haystack.

 the mill.

 the fence.
 the beehives.
And got back in time for dinner.
Write the correct number beside the farm word.
farmhouse 4                        silo
hill                               fence
pond                            tractor
truck                           field
barn                             village
henhouse                    cow pasture
                                 Hope you enjoyed your visit to the farm!