English Exercises > present simple exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
prefer and would rather
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 1009

Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 892

Expressing preferences and advice with would rather - prefer - had better
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 873

Likes and dislikes
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 768

Would rather&Prefer
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 734

Had better,Would rather,Prefer
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 742



1. John ....................................voleyball to football.
to prefer
2. "Which one is wrong?"
Jane and Judy don't prefer talking to sleeping.
Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping.
Do Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?
Does Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?
3. A: "Which one does he prefer, watching TV or playing computer games?"
��� B: ..................................................
He prefers watching TV.
Yes, he does.
No, she doesn't. She likes voleyball.
She wants to go out with her friends.
4. I prefer travelling by car ............ bus.
5. She prefers ..................................���������
��pizza to spaghetti
playing alone
sitting up here
watching TV���������������������
6. Tom prefers ..............................����
�������� horror films to western films
���������playing chess to playing football
�������� hamburgers to spaghetti
�������� sports programmes to chat shows������
7. I ...................... watching TV to ......................to the radio.
prefer / listen
prefer / listening
prefer / listens
prefers / listening�
8.�Lisa prefers ........................ to swimmimng.
��� to sunbathe
��� sunbathes
��� sunbathing�����������
9. He prefers ...................... a taxi to a bus.
���� take
���� takes
���� to take���
10. They prefer ........................................ .
cake making to biscuit
biscuit to make a cake
making a cake to biscuit
make biscuit to cake������������������