English Exercises > songs exercises

The Duck Song by Bryant Oden

Downloadable worksheets:
Teaching English With Songs
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
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7th form group session (what are your hobbies ?)
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Song: You�re my best friend - Queen
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
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Teach English through songs - 5 page song list suggestion
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
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Hotel California (four skills)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
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���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� by Bryant Oden
� Listen to the funny song and fill in the gaps with the missing word.
A duck walked up to a� �stand
And he said to the man running the ,
"Hey, got any ?"
The man said, "No, we just sell lemonade
But it's cold and it's fresh and it's all �.
Can I�get you a ?" The duck said, "I'll ."
Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle 'Till the very next day.
When the�duck walked up to�the lemonade stand
And he said to the man �the stand,
"Hey, got any grapes?"
The man said, "No, like I said , we just sell lemonade, OKAY?
Why not give it a ?" The duck said, "Goodbye!".
Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle
'Til the very next day.
When the�duck walked up to�the lemonade stand
And he said to the �running the stand,
"Hey, got any grapes?"
The man said, "Look, this�is getting .� I mean...lemonade is all we've ever .
Why not give it a ? The duck said, "How about...no!".
Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle
'Til the very next day.
When the�duck walked up to�the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey, got any grapes?"
The man said, "THAT'S IT! If you don't stay away duck, I'll� you to a tree and leave you there all day, .
So don't get so !" The duck said, "Adios!".
Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle
'Til the very next day.
When the�duck walked up to�the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey, got any glue?" "What?" "Got any glue?"
"No, why would I...oh!"
"Then one more� for you... Got any grapes?"
And the man just . Then�he started to smile.� Then he started to . He laughed for a while.
Then he said, "Come on, duck, let's walk to the .
I'll buy you some grapes so you won't have to ask ."
So they walked to the store and the man� some grapes.
He�gave one to the� and the duck said, "Hummm...No, thanks!
But you know what sounds ? It would make my .
Do you think this store... do�you think this store...do�you think this store...has any...LEMONADE?"
Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle Then he waddled away. waddle, waddle


������ anymore�. bought�. duck�. day�. glass�. glue�. go .�good� grapes�.�homemade�.�laugh�. lemonade�. man�. old�. pass�. question�. running�. sold� stand�. stopped�. store�. try�. yesterday

�Match the rhyming words. Write the correct number on the second column.
� 1.�glass ��anymore
� 2. store ��no
� 3. away ��pass
� 4. old ��stuck
� 5. go ��sold
� 6. duck ��day
��Write�the past tense of these irregular verbs.�
1. stick � 2. say � 3. sell � 4. bring � 5. get � 6. buy
� What does it mean? Write the correct number on the second column.
���� 1. A stand �to walk with short steps tilting from one side to the other
���� 2. homemade
�a drink made from lemons
���� 3. to waddle �A light structure offering goods�for
���� 4. lemonade �No, thanks.
���� 5. I'll pass! �made at home
� Enjoy the song once more as you read the lyrics.
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������Hi, Enzo!������� ��
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ by Anna Pessoa