English Exercises > passive voice exercises

Present and Past simple active vs passive

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Present and Past simple active vs. passive

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Remember to check if the subject is the 'doer' of the action to know whether to use the active or passive voice.

'Fallas' is a typical Spanish festival. It �in the Valencian region, in the east of Spain. This festivity �St. Josheph, who is the Saint patron of carpenters. The 'Falleros' (people who take part in the festival) �the traditional costume and they parade along the streets dancing to the music.�Big monuments or Fallas��in the streets and a notice with some criticism about the local affairs ��for each set of figures.� The locals and the tourists �the monuments and ��the parades.
On the night of March 19th, St. Joseph's Day, these monuments�.
In the old times, the monuments ��by the carpenters and people of the neighbourhood, who� �out old or broken items of furniture, clothes or whatever flammable objects�and �them artistically. Later,� Fallero Artists ��to build the Falla, and they �to use wooden frames and cardboard�to make figures of people and things, to which the critical notes��.
Nowadays the technique is very different: the Fallero Artist �the design of the Falla, and then this information �into a computer, which then �polystyrene planks to form the shapes. Then the pieces �together and painted. This technique �by everybody: although the monuments still look very artistic, some people �that there is no art in programming a machine, and they also argue that the polystyrene is�much more polluting.