English Exercises > relative clauses exercises

Coral Reefs are important marine habitats

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relative clauses
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Relative Pronouns: Who- Which- That
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Relative clauses
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Relative Pronouns(+ Key)
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
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Coral reefs are important marine habitat!!
I. Name each marine animal. Then use the vocabulary words in the box below to complete the information about them.
A) A , which can make powerful, self-propelled leaps out of water into air, uses its long, wing-like� to fly for 30 to 50 meters.
B) �A male ,�which can weigh 25 to 40 kilograms, can decrease to half of his normal weight when he is protecting his .
C) , which have front paws shaped like mittens,��have the thickest of all mammals.
D) , which are the largest turtles on Earth, are often in risk of being�devoured by�a .
E) �The , which�is one of the largest birds in the skies,��has excellent eyesight as it sees its �from the sky.
F) �The , which� lives in a , eats fish and seaweed.�
G) �The , which� is a large marine ,� is easily distinguished from the manatees by its fluked, dolphin-like tail.
H) , which are important marine habitats, provide �for millions of sea creatures.
������������ Language Focus - Study the chart
According to the chart above, choose the correct option to complete the grammar rules below.
1. The clause is separated by commas because it contains
2. Use WHICH for
3. Use WHO for
II. Choose the correct option to complete the statements.
The blue whales, �are the largest animals known to have ever existed,�can grow to become�30 meters long.
This is�a nice picture of an Amazon River dolphin, �is also known as a pink dolphin because of the color of its skin.�

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, � was born on 11 June 1910, studied the sea and all forms of life in water.
III. Choose the correct word to complete the dialogues.
A: Dolphins are so smart. I just read that they can communicate with each other.
B: I know. It's really amazing! They have their own language, has a lot of
different sounds.
A: Yeah, my uncle, is a marine biologist, told me that dolphins also use body
language, is difficult to understand.
A: Today, we're taking a trip around the world's oceans. We're going to learn about
coral reefs are so important to marine life.
B: Really?
A: Yes, for instance, the Belize Coral Reef, is the second largest coral reef in
the world, is an important shelter for millions of sea animals.
B: Are coral reefs endangered?
A: Yes, experts, have been studying enviromental problems, believe seventy-
five percent of Earth's coral reefs will die by 2050.
B: Can we save coral reefs?
A: Well, biologists, have been trying to protect the coral reefs, announced that
sixty-five countries have created protected areas where fishing is limited or
even banned. But we must also fight pollution, represents a great menace to
marine life.
�IV. Combine these sentences into one.� Create a relative clause using WHO or WHICH.��Use commas where necessary. Do not use contracted forms.
Example: �Green turtles�help take care of coral reefs. They eat marine plants.
�����������Green turtles, which eat marine plants, help take care of coral reefs,
111. This large marine animal is a sea cow. It eats sea grass.
������ .
�� 2.�Mia is a doctor. She lives next door.
3. Dolphins have their own language. They are mammals.
������ .
4. My�teacher�proposed��a beach cleanup. He is a biologist.
5. Joe is�driving us home. He has a new car.
6. Coral reefs build big things. They are small.
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