English Exercises > classroom forms exercises

grammar and vocabulary

Downloadable worksheets:
MY SUPER BOOKMARKS PART 2! - FUNNY VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR BOOKMARKS FOR YOUNG LEARNERS ( to be, to have; months of the year, irregular plurals,personal and possessive pronouns, farm animals) EDITABLE WITH B&W VIRSION!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 2710

Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 1636

Fairy Tales/Stories (7): Hansel and Gretel - Present Simple and Progressive
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 1597

MY SUPER BOOKMARKS PART 3! _ FUNNY GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY BOOKMARKS FOR KIDS (2 pages: Present Simple, Presenr Cont., Ordinal numbers 1-1000, present and past forms of to be, common irregular verbs) EDITABLE!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 1476

Likes & Dislikes � writing, grammar and vocabulary (to be � present, too / either) [5 tasks] ((2 pages)) ***editable
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 774

Grammar and vocabulary for beginners in charts
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 689


Fill� the� gap� with� the� correct� answer :

1)� This� dictionary� is� � than� that� book� .
2)� The� test� we� did� yesterday� is� � of� all� tests� we� have� done� so� far� .
3)� By� tomorrow� ,� Laura� � all� medicines� .
4)� David� said� that� he�
� the� poor� and� homeless� people� .
5)� The� windows� � by� the� thieves� last� night� .
6)� The� boy� � scooter� is� parked� over� there� is� a� smart� student� .
7)� Try� to� avoid� � time� playing� snooker� .
8)� We� would� rather� � by� train.
9)� I� wish� I� � enough� time� revising� because� I� got� a bad� mark .
10)� �his� poverty� ,� he� could� not� enrol� in� that� private� school� .
11)� She� was� late� .� � the� teacher� did� not��� let� her� in� .
12)� �her� illness� ,� she� attended� the� meeting .
13)� Please� � the� volume� because� students� are� concentrating� .
14)� Some� people� choose� to� live� in� the� suburbs� because� they� can't� �noise� in� big� cities� .
15)� Nancy� is� excellent� at� cooking� . � she� can� play� the� piano� well .
16)� You��had� better� �� smoking� .
17)� The� cultural� club� � we� met� is� the� only� one� in� this� city� .
18)� It� is� difficult� � reluctant� students� .
19)� We� have� not� heard� from� John� � last� Friday� .
20)� Three� days� ago� ,� after� Tony� � the� homework� ,� he� watched� his� favorite� TV programme� .