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About the US General election and results

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The results of the United States general election

Body: in this text, a political or law-making body means an organization or collection of people doing a specific job.
Candidate: a person who is running for election for a specific job
Citizen: a person who is either born in the country being discussed or a feoreigner who has earned the right to vote in the country being discussed
Concern: in this text, a concern is something that relates to the subject. "World concerns" mean the things that have to do with the whole world.
Election: when voters elect a person or people for a specific job
Former: Romney is a former governor; he is not governor any more
Governor: The leader of a U.S. State in much the same way that the president is the leader of the United States
Green energy: a popular way of talking about anything to do with ways of finding energy without using oil.
Legal/legalize: something is legal when it is allowed by law to happen. When something is made legal because of for example a vote, it is legalized
Party: in this text, a party is a collection of people with the same beliefs of how the country should be run
Politics/political: these words refer to the people or jobs involved in the running of the country
Recreational: in this text, recreational drug use talks about using drugs because you want to, not because you need to. You do it for recreation.
Run for president/run for office: to be a candidate and campaign for a speficic job in order to get elected.
Social issues: issues that have to do with the things that happen in society
State: in this text, a state is an area within the United States that governs itself in many ways. This idea is common in many countries
Tax, taxes: what people are required to pay the government. Taxes pay for many government jobs and services.
On November 6, 2012 all American citizens with the right to vote had the chance to help decide the next President of the United States of America. They also had the opportunity to vote for new members of the law-making body of the American government, the U.S. Congress, as well as many local laws and taxes that would affect only their own state.

Even though there are many political parties in America, there are only two that carry any weight: The Republican Party and the Democratic Party. These two parties have different views on many things including, but not limited to:

  • How much money the government should spend on education, the military, green energy, etc.
  • How much of the country�s resources should be spent on world concerns versus home (American) concerns
  • Social issues such as religion in schools, same-sex marriage and legalized drug use
  • How much tax people and businesses should be made to pay

After a presidential candidate has been selected for each party, they spend a lot of time and money travelling around America and visiting people and businesses in order to tell them why they would be the best president. This is called campaigning. The Democratic candidate was the current President Barack Obama. The Republican candidate was the former governor of the state of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney tried to run for President in 2008, but his party selected John McCain instead.

The U.S. Congress is made up of two bodies; the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. These two bodies together make the laws that will be used in America. Therefore it is not only important who the president of America is, but whether it is the Democrats or the Republicans who control the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Control in the U.S. Congress is important to lawmaking in America because the two major parties have different views on many issues. If one party has a majority, the laws passed will reflect these views because laws are passed by voting in the U.S. Congress.

Watch the Prezi presentation after following this link: http://prezi.com/-3m3b7palqy2/election-results-prezi/ (Mac users may have to have the Prezi app installed). There are two videos within the presentation, but you do not have to watch them I you do not want to.

Answer the questions in the following section. The answers can be found in the text on this page or in the presentation on the link.

From the text:

1. True/False: There are only two political parties in America.

2. Who was the Democratic presidential candidate?

3. Who was the Republican presidential candidate?

4. What is the name of the law-making body in U.S. government? The U.S.

5. When did the general election take place?

From the Prezi presentation:

6. Who won the presidential election?

7. In the map of America, which three states are discussed? , and

8. After the election, are both the House of Representatives and the Senate controlled by the same party?

9. What did both Washington State and Colorado make legal?

10. Which three states passed Same-sex marriage? , and