English Exercises > tests exercises

Language in use, 2012

Downloadable worksheets:
Vocabulary Revision
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 12

Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2479

English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 2333

Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 7

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 11

Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 135


Language in Use

I���������� Chose the correct option (a, b, c or d)

1.����� You may practise in my room. _______ , you mustn't play too loud because of the neighbours.

����� However������������������������� � �� Despite������������������������ As long as������������ ���� ���� As well

2.��� How many times _______ to tell you to stop shouting at me?

have I��������������������� ������ have got I�������������� do I have���������������� I�ve got

3.��� I see you hang _______ with Jim�s brother a lot. How are you getting _______ with him?

over... around���������������� on... up��������������� �� up... down�������������� around... on

4.��� Typical! Just as I _______ asleep, the telephone _______ .

felt... rang���������������������� fell... had rung������� fell... rang������������ ��� had fallen... rung

5.��� How can any parent let such a young child _______ jobs as hard as that?

do������������������������� ������� doing�������������������� to do������������������ ����� does

6.��� If there�_______ fewer reasons for strikes, people _______ much happier.

were... can feel������������ � would be... felt������ was... would feel����� � were... could feel

7.��� The _______ from home to school usually takes me about an hour.

journey����������������� ������� way�������������������� travel������������������ ����� road

8.��� Excuse me, could you give me _______ information about the timetable?

bit of���������������������� ����� an������������������������ a piece of�������� ��������� /

9.��� Meg: Honestly, I found that film very boring.

�� Andy: _______

Didn�t you like?������������ So did I.��������������� Neither did I���� ��������� Me neither.

10.��� When Daniel is older he _______ to be a racing driver or an engineer.

believes���������������� ������� thinks������������������ hopes����������������� ������ means

II�������� Complete the text using the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Do not add any other words.

My family and I went to the Ocean Centre in my home town recently. It�s one of the most amazing places I�� (ever / be). Our guide told us that originally the Centre� (set up) to help look after the seas and protect the life within them. In fact, every entry ticket��(buy) there helps the Centre� (achieve) this aim, so that morning I also�� (feel) my visit was in a good cause.

By chance, we arrived just at feeding time and watched staff� (give) food to hundreds of fish. Unfortunately for me, the visitors� (not allow) to do the same on that occasion. But still, if anyone asked me for the advice, I� (really / recommend) being there at feeding time. You�ll see feeding times� (advertise) at the ticket desk, or you can telephone in advance� (find out) when they are.

III������� Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using the given word. Do NOT change the given word. You must use between two and five words, including the given word.

1.����� I�m sure Richie�s not at the football match now.������������������������������������ ����������� ���������������� / be

Richie� at the football match now.

2.����� Children, whose jacket is this?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������/who

Children,� to?

3.����� When was this cathedral built, Mr Collins?��������������������������������������������� ����������� ���������������� �/old

Mr Collins, do you know� ?

4.����� I sent an SMS to a wrong person. I couldn�t delete the SMS later.������� ����������������������� /already

I couldn�t delete that SMS because� to a wrong person.

5.����� Shouldn�t children learn proper behaviour from both their parents and teachers?�������� /be

Shouldn�t children� by both their parents and teachers?

IV ������ Read the whole texts first. Then fill in each blank with one suitable word:

After leaving university I decided to devote myself� a career in music. I played at concerts, made recordings and got good reviews. But after a while I realised I�d gone as far as I could.� you�re one of the world�s top pianists, which I wasn�t, it�s difficult to earn a good living. So, I gave� my performing career. But I was relieved and now� last I was able to turn over a new leaf.� my new business is stressful and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was even greater.