English Exercises > general vocabulary exercises

Francesco´s Mediterranean voyage

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Speaking activity -Revision board game - 6th form
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 3315

Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Downloads: 3169

Vocabulary test
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-15
Downloads: 12

Taboo cards1
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 2070

Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 2023

Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 1766



Francesco da Mosto (born 1961) is an Italian architect, author, historian, film maker and television presenter. He presented , among other successful programmes, the  BBC's Francesco's Mediterranean Voyage (Filmed 2007, Broadcast 2008) which sees him travelling from his home in Venice to Istanbul.

Watch the video of the first episode and do the exercises below:
1. Listen to the first part and fill in the blanks in the following sentences:
  •      Venice is the  beautiful city in the 
  •      We, Venecians are an endangered . There are only 61000 of us  , so we depend  upon our 15 million   a year 
  • Venice is the land of romance, and cornetto ice-cream
  • Venice is the  of the Adriatic, the city of 
  • For  months, he will follow the  routes of Venice
  • His mission is to see the great  of the Mediterranean and the  of their once vast empire
  • He would like to experience  like his  did
  • For him, this is the journey of a
 2. Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE:  
  • His destination is the Greek islands
  • He has recently become interested in his country´s glory days
  • He will set sail upon a beautiful replica of an old ship
  • He is happy because he knows he will have a wonderful time on the ship
  • Captain Julio doesn´t want him on board the ship
  • He learnt how to ride a bike in that huge room full of paintings
  • He specially admires Alvise Da Mosto
  • When it comes to packing , he considers himself more organized than Alvise