English Exercises > tests exercises

Final test (Okruzno takmicenje 2005)

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Vocabulary Revision
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Age: 12-100
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Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
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English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
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Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
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Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
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Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 135



Inside a Snow House

In fact, life in an igloo isn�t nearly as uncomfortable as you might think. Let�s imagine going into a traditional igloo out of a snowstorm in the middle of an arctic winter�

The first thing you notice after crawling down through the entrance tunnel is that the igloo is bigger than it looks from the outside. The floor in the centre of the igloo is quite a bit below ground level, and there�s plenty of room to stand up without banging your head. It�s also quite warm inside. This is partly because the snow blocks that the igloo is made from provide very good insulation, and partly because of a stone lamp burning seal oil � the only form of heating in the igloo. So although it�s -30�C outside, it�s a fairly comfortable +10�C inside � warm enough to take your wet clothes off and hang them up to dry.

Naturally, the heat melts a thin layer of the snow wall, but to prevent drips (and to provide even more insulation) there are animal skins hanging across the ceiling and down the walls. It isn�t smoky inside either � a small hole in the ceiling acts as a chimney, and allows the smoke from the lamp to escape.

Above the entrance tunnel, there is a thin sheet of ice set into the wall, which acts as a kind of window. You can�t see much through it,but during the few hours of daylight it lets quite a lot of light in. The rest of the time, you can see by the light of the lamp (which is also used for cooking).

Around the walls of the igloo is a wide platform (which is at the same level as the ground outside), where you can sit of lie down. You don�t have to sit directly on the snow � the platform is covered with dry grass and animal bones, then with animal skins, and finally with animal furs, and there are more animal furs to use as blankets. So the platform is a comfortable place to stretch out � and warm, too, as it is near the top of the dome where the warmest air is trapped.

In many ways, an igloo is the ideal place to spend a really cold winter. When the weather gets warmer in spring, of course, you no longer need it � which is quite as well because that�s the time that igloos start to melt.

From: Language in Use, Intermediate

Circle the most appropriate answer.

  1. Igloo is the ideal place to live in winter since

����� you don�t have to tidy it

����� it is warm enough in any weather

����� it�s a protection from a severe weather

��� it melts away when you don�t need it any more

  1. Eskimos put animal skins down the walls to

����� prevent drops of water falling down

���� heat the igloo during cold nights

����� dry their wet clothes by the fire

��� prevent the wind put out the fire

  1. You enter an igloo

����� banging your head

���� going below ground level

����� walking on all fours

���� moving a thin sheet of ice

  1. The lamp in the middle is

���� the only source of light

����� the only place by which to dry clothes

���� the only thing that does not melt

��� the only form of providing warmth

  1. The igloo looks

����� bigger than it really is

����� smaller than it really is

����� more comfortable than it really is

��� better insulated than it really is

  1. If you are in the igloo, you

����� sit directly on the snow platform

����� sit on dry grass around the walls

����� sit on the animal furs

���� sit by the top of the dome

  1. The small hole on the top of the igloo

����� lets the smoke out

����� lets the surplus heat out

����� lets the light out

���� lets the walls remain though

� 8.�� The problem with the igloo is that

����������� you make a new one every spring

����������� it is too much below the ground level

����������� it is not enough if the winter is really cold

����������� you cannot stand up in it


A.Choose the correct answer

1. There�s not � butter in the dish.

����������� much���������� a lot of������� no�������� ��� � some

2. The boy � bicycle was broken called for help.

����������� who�s��������� which��������� whom������� whose

3. It�s too dark to read. Could you please � the light?

����������� switch��������� put on�������� turn on�� ��� lit

4. I can�t fin him. He has just left � the office.

����������� to���������������� for������������� towards������ in

5. He earned� digging in a gold mine.

����������� a fortune����� fortunes������ riches������� a treasure

6. Every spring she sorts her clothes and � old fashioned items to charities.

����������� gives up������ gives over��� gives away gives off

7. Paul played in the park because it was the safest lace�play.

����������� to��������������� for������� ������ for the���� ���� in the

8. Paul�s asked for�spoon because his was not clean.

����������� another������� the other�s�� some other�� other

9. He did not play fair and now he has�friends than ever.

����������� less������������ fewer���������� as few��������� not many

10. The town was � in 1351.

����������� found��������� founded����� founding������ �finding

B. Complete the text with the correct forms of the words given below.


Paul�s family lived in by the sea. He had not� friends and he was an only child in the family. So he� to stay at home� . He had to be very to fill his time. He remembers� books from the� of the family library. He was� with many titles and it was not always� books that he read.� he would go for a ride with his uncle in the park. But he� be back home before 8 o�clock.

C.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb.

1.����� If it� cold, the children will stay indoors.(be)

2.����� The door must� all night.�� (lock)

3.����� Let me ask you where� all the time?(you be)

D.Inset one missing word where necessary. If no word is needed,�put *

  1. We can� win or be mocked at.
  2. You can use my mobile phone if� is out of order.
  3. Do they still live in� Northern England?
  4. Would you like to be� MTV presenter?

E.Report the dialogue.

����������� Paul: �Mike, what do you do in your free time?�

����������� Mike: �I usually try to solve chess problems.�

����������� Paul: �Don�t forget to show me one.�

����������� Paul asks Mike� .

����������� Mike answers� .

����������� Pauls asks him� .