English Exercises > tests exercises

Final test, 2004 (Okruzno takmicenje 2004)

Downloadable worksheets:
Vocabulary Revision
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 13

Grammar Review for Beginners - 3-page review, 14 different exercises, fully editable, with keys included
Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 2507

English Test(9th form End of Term 2 Test)(3 parts)Reading Comprehension: THE INTERNET/Grammar+Voc abulary/Writing(+Key )
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 2339

Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 7

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-16
Downloads: 11

Comparative & Superlative
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 138



A fiction writer is a person who invents stories.

��� But how does one start out a job like this? How does one become a full-time professional fiction writer?

Charles Dickens found it easy. At the age of twenty-four, he simply sat down and wrote Pickwick Papers, which became an immediate best-seller. But Dickens was a genius, and geniuses are different from the rest of us.

In this century (it was not always so in the last one), just about every single writer who has finally become successful in the world of fiction has started out in some other job - a schoolteacher, perhaps, or a doctor or a journalist or a lawyer. (Alice in Wonderland was written by a mathematician, and The Wind in the Willows by a civil servant.) The first attempts at writing have therefore always had to be done in spare time, usually at night.

The reason for this is obvious. 'When you are adult, it is necessary to earn living. To earn a living, you must get a job. You must if possible get a job that guarantees you so much money a week. But however much you may want to take up fiction writing as a career, it would be pointless to go along to a publisher and say, "I want a job as a fiction writer." If you did that, he would tell you to buzz off and write the book first. And even if you brought a finished book to him and he liked it well enough to publish it, he still wouldn't give you a job. He would give you an advance of perhaps five hundred pounds, which he would get back again later by deducting it from your royalties. (A royalty, by the way, is the money that a writer gets from the publisher for each copy of his book that is sold. The average royalty a writer gets is ten per cent of the price of the book itself in the book shop. Thus, for a book selling at four pounds, the writer would get forty pence. For a paperback selling at fifty pence, he would get five pence.)

It is very common for a hopeful fiction writer to spend two years of his spare time writing a book which no publisher will publish. For that he gets nothing at all except a sense of frustration.������

If he is fortunate enough to have a book accepted by a publisher, the odds are that as a first novel it will in the end sell only about three thousand copies. That will earn him maybe a thousand pounds. Most novels take at least one year to write, and one thousand pounds a year is not enough to live on these days. So you can see why a budding fiction writer invariably has to start out in another job first of all. If he doesn't, he will almost certainly starve.

(Taken from "Lucky Break" by Roald Dahl)


1. A fiction writer is a person who:

��������� makes up stories

�������� writes about inventions

����������� writes about things that have happened in real life

��������� must be a genius

5. Fiction writers can expect:

no money from the publishers at all

the royal family to take some money from them afterwards

�� their book not to be published after all

to earn some money after all

2. According to the author:

to be a fiction writer, you have to find another job as well

all successful writers have another job

�� skillful writers create their novels at night

writers-beginners have always had to write in their free time

6. Publishers accept a book by a new writer:

very frequently

if the writer is lucky enough

�� only if the writer has a large fortune

from time to time

3. According to the author:

Lawyers and journalists write good novels easily

Charles Dickens became a-full-time professional fiction writer easily

�� Charles Dickens, easily collected some papers and made a story

Mathematicians can write stories for children easily

7. With his first novel, a fiction writer:

can rarely earn enough for his living

can earn enough only for one year of living

�� can earn only ten per cent of the book price

can earn just five hundred pounds

4. Generally speaking, publishers:

rarely give jobs to anyone

dislike new writers

�� can guarantee the writer some money a week

usually judge a book on the basis of their own opinion

8. Being a budding fiction writer is:

the most stressful job

a job which requires patience, lively imagination and usually another job

�� a well-paid job of thousands of pounds a year

a frustrating job


I Choose the correct option:�������������������������������������������������������������������������

1. I prefer swimming __________ skiing.

of������������ from������������ to����������� ����� than

2. As soon as she heard the question she _________ her hand.

rose��������� has risen���� rise��������� � ��� raised

3. Please, help ___________ to the biscuits! I know you all like them.

you��������� yourself������ yourselves��� � yours

4. The charity was raised to help ________ poor in the town.

a��������� ��� ����������� ��� an��������� ������� the

5. She has_____ chicken for dinner.

some������ any������������� a������������������ the

6 . _______ ��you love that kind of music or you hate it.

Or����������� Either��������� Nor��������������� Neither

7. She has just ________ the table waiting for the guests to arrive.

lain����������� laid���������� ��� lied�������������� lay

8. There are ____________ theatres than cinemas in the city.

few���������� less������������ fewer����������� little

II Report the following dialogue:������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Emily: �Tim, I need to take your bicycle tomorrow."

Tim: "Why do you need mine?"

Emily:Do you always ask such silly questions? Mine is out of order."

Emily tells Tim����.

Tim wants to know� .

Emily asks� .

and then she says� .


III Complete the text with the correct form/tense of the verbs given below:

Dear Julie,
Thanks for your letter. I�m pleased� that you're having a good time in Kent.
Two months ago, I had a wonderful time in Japan. My friend, Akiko, had invited me� with her family in Kyoto. Do you remember her? She's the girl whose postcard you� last summer. They have a-house on a hill just outside Kyoto. There was a beautiful view of the city from my bedroom window. Akiko's family were incredibly kind and hospitable and� me pay for anything. We ate out a lot. I loved� the temples and gardens - the autumn colours were quite spectacular. I� you some photos when I them developed.
Tomorrow my mother and father��to stay for a few days. I must� the house before they arrive!Write again soon and let me know how you're getting on.

Hope� you soon!

����������� Claire

IV Rewrite the dialogue using the correct forms of the words in brackets:������������������������������������

Harry: You (go) on holiday at Easter?

Sally: Yes, but we (not book) it yet. What about you?

Harry: We (rent) already a cottage near Edinburgh. I (buy) the train tickets yesterday.

H: ?

S: �.

H:� .

��� .

V Find one mistake in each of the following sentences, write it on the left�and then�write the correct form on the right:� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

1.�� Three goose were crossing the road.����������� �->

2.�� No news are good news.����������������������� �������� ->

3.�� She is very interesting in astronomy.������������ �->

4.�� He always goes on feet to the centre of the town.��� � ->�