English Exercises > past simple exercises

Test Wild West

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Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
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Past simple wordsearch
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
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Simple Past Tense test
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-14
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Past simple
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
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Simple Past - gap filling
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 4100


 1.  Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the simple past tense.
                    attack - be - cook - dry - help - hunt - make 
   a. The Sioux a proud people and Sitting Bull a famous Sioux chief.
   b. They the buffalo in the Great Plains.
   c. Their squaws clothes and tipis with the buffalo hides.
   d. And they and the meat.
   e. The Sioux often other Indian tribes, such as the Crows.
   f. Buffalo Bill the US Army as a guide to fight the Indians.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb between the brackets (simple present or simple past tense)
   a. Last week, Henry many fish. (catch / caught)
   b. In the U.S.A., the Indians on reservations. (live / lived)
   c. The U.S. all Indian celebrations in 1890. (outlaw/outlawed)
   d. Last night I dressed up as a trapper ! (get/got)

3. Complete the sentences with the verb between brackets in the simple present or present continuous tense.
   a. Every year, a lot of native Americans their traditions. (celebrate)
   b. Look! This little girl a squaw’s traditional dress. (wear)
   c. What all these people ? (watch) 
   d. On this photo the buffaloes the river. (cross)
   e. How long it to go to the site of the battle of Little Big Horn? (take)
   f. A lot of people not the killing of fur animals. (approve)

4. Complete the sentences with can/can't, must or mustn't

   a. If you want to see beautiful landscapes you go to the Rocky Mountains.
   b. You go there by car, only by foot or on horseback.
   c. You disturb the wild animals.
   d. But you take photos of them.
5.  Write the corresponding noun under the pictures.
6.   Read the following text and answer the questions
       20 May 1832

Last night, there was a storm, but it did not rain a lot, so in the morning I decided to go back to the river, cross it and explore the woods on the other side as I had an idea there were more beavers and other raccoons than here now.

I walked down along the river to find a place where I could raft across. I made a small raft to transport my equipment, my traps in particular across the river. I attached a cord to the raft and swam across holding the cord. After getting out of the river I made a fire to dry myself and my things and I ate some meat.

Then, while walking through the woods, I noticed the footprints of fur animals I knew well, beavers of course, lynxes, foxes ... I set a few traps. I went down to the valley and I saw fires in the distance. There was an Indian village.

Soon, a group of Indians, maybe Blackfoot or Sioux came to meet me. They were not hostile, they just wanted to exchange furs with me.
a. When was this text written ?            This text was written on .
b. What's the narrator's job ?             The narrator was .
c. Which animals is he looking for ?      He was looking for .
d. How did he cross the river ?             He  across the river.
e. What did he do to dry himself and his things ? He .
f.  Who did he meet ?                           He  . 
g. What did these people want from him ?  They  with him.