Where are my things in the room?

Fill in the missing prepositions.
a) There is one teddy-bear �the sofa.
b) There are two teddies �the sofa.
c) My clothes are �the wardrobe.
d) There is a pink dress �a green jummper and a blouse.
e) There is one baseball �the wardrobe, �the clothes.
f) There is a carpet �the floor.
g) There is a chair �the desk.
h) There is a schoolbag �the desk.
i) There is a piggy-bank �the computer, �the desk.
j) There is a picture �the plant and the clock, �the shelf.
k) There is a toy house �the wardrobe.
l) There are four pictures �the wall, �the window.
m) There is a lamp �the teddy-bear.
n) There is an elephant �one of the pictures.
o) There is one clock �the wall and another one �the shelf.






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