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Music and relaxation

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� TOPIC: Music and relaxation


A) Match the halves to make acceptable sentences.


1) Life is full of

2) Listening to music is

3) Listening to our favourite music

4) It is best to go with our individual taste and choose

5) The right music can actually


a) puts us in a good mood.

b) stress and mental anxiety.

c) whatever type of music boosts our mood.

d) a great way to relax.

e) lower your blood pressure, relax your body and calm your mind.


B) Read the text and choose the best option for each gap:



We are now living in a time when everyone is very 1). However, we all need time to relax.

Many of us are 2)� of the fact that listening to music is a great way to do so.Music is actually one of the most common ways for people to relax and de-stress themselves.� There are specific types of music that are geared towards 3) but all types of music are capable of helping you to relax. By listening to music that you enjoy, the sound receptors trigger the brain to release dopamine, which is 4)� with elevated mood and pleasure.

Various studies have indicated a strong link 5) �music and lowered stress levels in everyday life, while research has also indicated that music can 6)� extreme levels of stress in people undergoing surgery, critically ill patients and pregnant women.

With all the ways music 7)� your body, you can probably already clearly see how music can be used as an effective relaxation and stress management 8) . In addition to the many physical changes that music can bring, it is especially helpful in relaxation and stress management because it can be used in the 9) ways:

����������� Music and Physical Relaxation: Music can promote relaxation of tense 10) , enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful day (or week).

����������� Music as an Aid in Stress Relief Activities: Music can help you get �into the zone� when practicing yoga, self hypnosis or guided imagery, can help you feel energized when exercising, help 11) �the stress when you�re soaking in the tub, and be a helpful part of many other stress relief 12) . It can take an effective stress reliever and make it even more effective!

����������� Music and a Meditative State: As mentioned before, music can help your 13) �get into a meditative state, which carries wonderful stress relief 14)� with it. For those who find meditation intimidating, music can be an easier alternative.

����������� Music to Promote a Positive Focus: Music, especially upbeat tunes, can take your mind 15) �what stresses you, and help you feel more 16) and positive. This helps release stress and can even help you keep from getting as stressed over life�s little frustrations in the future.

����������� Music and Affirmations: The way you see the world and the type of selftalk you habitually use can also have a profound 17)� on your stress level, which is why positive affirmations that create more positive selftalk are so helpful. Music that has affirming lyrics can bring the double benefit of music and positive affirmations, helping you to surround yourself with positive 18) �and more often look on the bright 19)� , letting stressful events more easily roll off your 20) .