English Exercises > people exercises

Living in England

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 1281

introducing yourself and personal information
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The Americans
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5-paged worksheet on PERSONALITY (character) TRAITS. (1st part)
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-17
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Level: elementary
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Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
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Living in
Parts of the lesson:
1. Listening task: An interview� - sentence completion
2. Reading task: An interview - matching questions and answers
Task 1 - Listening
Listen to the interview and�complete the sentences with�1-3 words.
1. Sarah is from . (See picture on the left.)

2.�� It is situated� from London.

3.�� Sarah has lived in London for years.

4.�� She prefers because it is�� 5)

���������������������������������������������������6) .

7.�� Most jobs are in the .

8.�� Her profession is a .

9.�� She worked for one year in .

10.�� In London she worked in the .

11.�� Teaching kids is .

12.Sarah prefers teaching .

Task 2 - Reading
Read the interview with an American living in England. Choose the correct question for each answer.

American expat Miranda has always wanted to live in England; she's

living that dream now in Oxford, where she studies and works. Here
she shares with us the challenges and joys of living in the UK, cost of
living information, her favourite things to do there, and how being
an outsider in Oxford can be such a special experience.

In Southern California, USA.

Oxford, England.

I live with my partner, who's English.

A year and a bit.

I am 21.

I've always been attracted to England.� From an early age, I resolved to move here.� That was before I knew about visa issues and work permits, of course.� But in my last term at university I came to Oxford to do a summer abroad and fell in love - with the city, the country, and a boy - and I realized that I wanted to make that dream I'd had so long ago a reality.

Yes and no.� There aren't a lot of options available for non-EU residents wanting to live and work in the UK.�Now I'm studying full-time for my masters at a UK university, so I have a student visa.� The only downside to this is the restriction on work: 20 hours a week, which, with the cost of living being so high in Britain, is just barely enough to get by.

Not at all; England's healthcare system makes it easy to sign up at a practice and receive regular, free, healthcare.�I've found it easier to receive healthcare in the UK than in the country I was born in.

I do admin work at an English language school.� It's bland work compared to my studies, but it's exciting to be in such an international environment, and it pays my bills.� I also do a few freelance writing gigs to supplement my income.

I do speak the local language, of course but that doesn't mean that I automatically fit in, or that there aren't huge cultural gaps between the locals and me.� I'm always very aware of my outsider status, trying to learn as much as I can about the English people and respect the way they live.�

Of course; I'm an only child, so I think it's especially hard for my parents and me, being so far apart.� I do wish I could see my family more often, but the fundamental fact is that I'm happy here, and that means a lot.

I'm working on it!� I'm hoping to stay on in Oxford for at least another year after I get my masters.� I'd like to do a doctorate here someday.

My partner and I rent a house in East Oxford, a 15-20 minute walk from the center of the city.� We're very lucky; we have a beautiful three-bedroom house with a garden.

It's very expensive here - more expensive than the big US cities. We do our best to keep our costs down - I cycle everywhere and neither of us has a car.

I've found some very close friends here, most of whom are English.� The English have, in some ways, a very closed, if also often beautiful, culture - interaction through apology, not speaking to each other in public situations unless pressed.� And every society has its unwritten laws; I think it's refreshing to both parties in an inter-cultural relationship to be with someone who isn't afraid to break the rules that you yourself think are unbreakable.

It's expensive to live here.� And I'm far from my birthplace, and my parents.� The positive sides?� I could go on for ages.� The people, the beauty (Oxford is one of the most stunning cities I have ever been in), the history, the countryside, the pub.

Read a lot.� Visit the pub, not the nightclub, if you want to meet people, or interact with friends.� Be utterly genuine, and utterly honest.� Be gracious.�Realize that in your role as outsider-on-the-inside, you have great power, great freedom, and the wonderful ability to learn about both the place you're in as well as yourself.

On the web, www.dailyinfo.co.uk is the best resource for living in Oxford; www.ukcosa.org.uk is good if you're considering studying in the UK. Finally, I have a weblog in which my experiences abroad feature prominently.

Thank you for the interview!

A- Do you have other plans for the future?

B- How do you make your living in the UK?

C- How long have you been living in England?

D- Where were you born?

E- Was it hard to get a visa or a working permit?

F- What do you think about the English?

G- Do you have any tips for our readers about living in England?

H- Are you living alone or with your family?

I- Do you think it's important to speak the local language?

J- Do you have any favorite web sites or blogs about England?

K- What about housing, have you bought, or are you renting a home?

L- In which country and city are you living now?

M- What are the positive and negative aspects of living in the UK?

N- What is the cost of living in the UK?

O- What is your age?

P- Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance before you went there or when you first arrived?

R- When did you come up with the idea of living in England?

S- Do you miss home and family sometimes?