English Exercises > family exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
Simpsons Family Quiz
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 5724

Speaking activity -Revision board game - 6th form
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Downloads: 3323

My Family
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Downloads: 3332

Family crosswords
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 2940

Family Fun
Level: elementary
Age: 6-11
Downloads: 3355

"Me and My family" - Reading comprehension for Upper elementary and Lower Intermediate students
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 3176


� � � � � � � � �Simpsons Family
Look at the Simpsons Family and click on the correct�words.����
���������������������� http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii108/meredithdutchuk/comments/grandpa.gif
1. Marge Simpson is the�����father ����� mother �� brother.
2.�Homer Simpson is the����father������ sister�������mother.
3.�Marge and Homer Simpson are the��� babies���� parents.
4. Bart Simpson is the���brother ���sister���grandmother.
5. Lisa Simpson is the���brother��� sister�� grandfather.
6. Abraham Simpson is the�mother �sister��grandfather.
7.�Maggie Simpson is the�father����baby���� grandfather.
B. Unscramble the family words.�
� � � � � � � � ����
a. Mary is the omrteh .�
b.�Bob Junior�is the rtehbro .�
c. And little Sue is the rtessi .
d.�Robert is the rtehaf .�

C.�This is Lisa and her family.
� �Choose the correct options.
���������� � Lisa's Family Tree!
1. Marge and Homer Simpson are Lisa's .http://emoticonhq.com/images/Simpsons/homerjump.gifhttp://www.gifs.net/Animation11/Creatures_and_Cartoons/Cartoons_Simpsons/Marge_shops.gif
�� �Marge is Lisa's �and Homer is her .
2. Marge and Homer are married.http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/w/wedding-rings/graphics-wedding-rings-299565.gif
��� Marge is the �and Homer is the .
3. Marge and Homer have 3 kids:http://simpsons.skewsme.com/img/bart_lisa_shock.gif
��� Baby Maggie and Lisa are their �and Bart is their .
4. Bart is Lisa's �and Baby Maggie is Lisa's .
5.�Abraham and Mona are Lisa's .http://images.wikia.com/simpsons/images/9/9b/Mona-simpson.png
6. Patty and Selma are Lisa's . http://familygotweb.com/images/margegroup.gif
7. Ling is Lisa's .Ling Bouvier Screenshot.png
�� What's the sequence? Number the dialog 1-6.
����������� �Family Photos!
� � � �http://image.blingee.com/images17/content/output/000/000/000/5ea/498639430_174910.gif����
B: Oh, Hi. She's Mary. She's my mother!
A: Hey, Ana: who's she?
B: He's my grandpa: he's 55 years old.
B: She's 32 years old.
A: Wow! She's beautiful! How old is she?
A: And who's he?
�� Analize this:
Choose "who" or "how old". Then type I'm, she's, he's, or they're.
A: Hey, Bob,�'s she?http://www.liliputians-nyc.com/images/Kate_bday.gif
B:� Lisa's sister, Pamela.
A: �is she?
B:�4 years old. Isn't she cute?
A: �are they? Are they�Carol's parents?http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-d6-3eTdUbIE/TzZAMCJjKcI/AAAAAAAABC8/2eRMkp6ajRg/s1600/family-frame-2012.gif
B: Yes, they are. �my uncle Ben and my aunt Lia.
A: And �'s the boy on the photo?
B: �my cousin Bill.
A: Wow! He's cute! �is he?
B: 15 years old.
A: Hello, I'm Bart's teacher. �are you?http://www.whrsd.org/uploaded/faculty/lynngentile//teacher_animated%5B1%5D.gifhttp://www.ace-clipart.com/clipart/kid_clipart/child_smiling.gif
B: Hi, �his brother, Phil.
A: OK. And �are you, Phil?
B:��11 years old.
�������������������������������������������������������������� Have fun! LOL
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